Description of books

Climate research 

Titles by author Birgitte Bang are published in Danish only. Year 2014 - 2016 and could be translated into Russian, Latvian and English as: 

The female evolution, culture and climate hypothesis (Published year 2014 in Danish as "Den kvindelige evolutions, kultur og klima hypotese")

Ambitions to life and humanity (Published year 2014 in Danish as "Ambitioner til livet, til det at være menneske")

Senses in a theoretical perspective (Published year 2014 in Danish as "Følesansen i et teoretisk perspektiv")

A tribute to art (Published year 2014 in Danish as "En hyldest til kunsten") 


The art of leading human diversity

(Published year 2015 in Danish as "Kunsten at favne menneskelig diversitet)

A hypothesis of the human personality of newborn (Published year 2015 in Danish as "En hypotese om skabelse af menneskets personlighed fra foster til barn")


The spanish dancer (Published year 2016 in Danish as "Den Spanske Danser")

Battle of the climate (Published year 2016 in Danish as "Battle of the Climate")

Introduction to the Climate hypothesis 2014

The author and artist Birgitte Bang expresses her art as a combination of words and paintings. It may be the word or the painting, that create reflections, cognition or changes. It depends on the eye seeing. The purpose of the art is to create dynamics, inspiration and to maintain the human being in reflection. This is tried done by illustrating the contrasts, which is a treasured discipline in aristic expression or the world of art. 

The authorship is based on lived life, knowledge, experience and educations. It contains hypotheses, theories, and methodologies among others, and it relates to leadership and optimization tools. There is made an attempt to use the tools in a socio economical perspective. The purpose is to illustrate, how important a constructive collaboration embrasing our global differences is.

There is made contributions to science and anthology in year 2014 as there is made contributions for the jubilee year 2015 in regard to election rights for women. Finally the 13th October 2016 the author succeeded to publish a contribution to the jubilee year for the Artistic Society For Women. The author wanted the entire hypothesis consisting of eight partial contributions to global leadership to be united and expressed as an integrated circular collage for an exhibition in the event of Let’s Rethink year 2017. However it was postponed, and I will be happy to se the day arise. 

Description of the 8 partial published contributions to global leadership  

The leadership theory ISBN 978-87-999439-1-3 “Battle of the climate” is a contribution to global leadership, and the author refers to Bill Clinton, who can be quoted for:

Power is not the most important thing; it is about how you use it.

The pamphlet is dedicated to the Danish Military and the Danish democracy. It is about demonstration of global leadership, it is about timely mend of the climate damages.

The leadership theory is published 13th Ocobter 2016 and it is the 8th contribution to global leadership. Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Painting: Composer summer 2016

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The book ISBN 978-87-999439-0-6 ”Den spanske danser” in English “The Spanish dancer” is a declaration of love from all men in the world to all women in the world or vv. The book is a part of the vision of our contemporary global “Atlantis”, which the greek philosopher Platon used as an example of the ideal state. 

The author refers to Ben Franklin, who can be quoted for:

Our critics are our friends
because they do show us our faults

The book is published 13th October 2016 and it is the 7th contribution to global leadership. Copyright © All Rights Reserved until settled

Painting: The clock summer 2016

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The book ISBN 978-87-997777-4-7 ”Kunsten at favne menneskelig diversitet” in English “The art of leading human diversity” is a theoretical book about change management and the complex art of global change management. The book is a part of the vision of our contemporary global ”Atlantis”, which the greek philosopher Platon used as an example of the ideal state.

The book is published 31st August 2015 and it is the 6th contribution to global leadership. Copyright © All Rights Reserved until settled

Painting: Princess Summer 2015

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The hypothesis ISBN 978-87-997777-6-1 “En hypotese om skabelse af menneskets personlighed fra foster til barn” in English “A hypothesis of the human personality of newborn” is an understanding of the human being, a role model of the perfect soviet citizen in an ideological context. The art was a vast occupation in Latvia in the soviet times.

The hypothesis is published 30th November 2015 and it is the 5th contribution to global leadership.

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Painting: Music from angels 2015

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The pamfleth ISBN 978-87-997777-3-0 “En hyldest til kunsten” in English “A tribute to art” is a contribution to anthology, where the author makes an attempt to write an optimistic speech  - A vision.

One the greatest sources of literature for leading change, which the author has allocated, is among others by the poet Rumi. Through his love, it is possible to build bridge over different cultures, and for individuals it is possible to establish a window between hearts. Change management is about philosophy, beliefs and love. It is about:

– New thinking 
– To believe that something can change
– To create a masterpiece, a declaration of love by the artists deepest sole 

Thoughts are as white engles, they respond to our beliefs and create our visions. What the human beings create with love is culture. Beautiful cultures and beautiful habits are something we necessarily need to respect. Something we have to care about as a coral reef, which takes many years to generate. Art must be used as a defence of our culture.

The anthology is published the 27th October 2014 and it is the 4th contribution to global leadership. Copyright © All Rights Reserved 

Painting: The composers notes 2014

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The theory ISBN 978-87-997777-2-3 “Følesansen i et teoretisk perspektiv” in English “Senses in a theoretical perspective” is about senses. To be able to lead change we need to qualify for understanding both the culture and the human biology. What is the meaning of senses. Can vi use the sense to change something?

Change management is about the ability to take care of other peoples feelings, an ability the leaders of the future should be able to master as they make sure that win are for everybody.

The theory is published the 27th October 2014 and it is the 3rd contribution to global leadership. Copyright © All Rights Reserved until arrangement

Painting:  Mussels and Senses 2014

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The pamphlet  ISBN 978-87-997777-0-9 “Ambitioner til livet, til det at være mennesket” in English “Ambitions to life and to humanity” is about life and that life necessarily needs to be beautiful. If life is not beautiful, there is no meaning. There are black, there are white, the contrasts, which the author Dante Alighieri describes. Life in between the contrasts is equal to indifference, which grab you in a dim duvet of “you are nobody”. There must be a balance, and it must be a healthy and natural balance as a resting and stable symbiose. How do we do that? We could try to think. We could stop the existential focus on death and emptiness. We could try to embrace natality or the human ability to create and start something new. Let’s create a new and beautiful world, a society for our children, a society them and their children can inhabit for years to come.

The pamphlet is published the 17the October 2014 and it is the 2nd contribution to global leadership.

The hypothesis  ISBN 978-87-997777-1-6 ”Den kvindelige evolutions, kultur og klima hypotese” in English “The female evolution, culture and climate hypothesis” is about balance in movements and more. There must exist a balance in movement as there must exist a balance in the contrasted pair frost and heat. There is a coherence. We human beings comprehend our self incorrectly if we do not believe we are a part of the universe.

What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of everything? The purpose is not, that we should ruin our earth, and the purpose is not, that we should ruin life or the woman or man. The purpose is, that we should collaborate, take care of one another and respect one another.

The hypothesis is published the 17th October 2014 and it is the 1st contribution to global leadership.

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Birgitte Bang

Global Leader

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Climate hypothesis Published year 2014

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A tribute to art

Published year 2014

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Ambitions to life and humanity

Published year 2014

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Senses in a theoretical perspective

Published year 2014

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                                      Komponistens ord år 2015

Hvorfor skulle mine bøger benyttes, og hvad skal læseren få ud af disse? Formålet for læseren er at få øje på medmenneskelighed, at forstå værdien i den langsigtet investering af medmenneskeligehed. Det er essentielt, at lederer forstår menneskets natur og bliver bevidste om, hvordan vi fungerer som mennesker. Antallet af stressramte danskere må understøtte dette postulat. Systemer og ledelse må tage højde for mennesket for at få den optimale værdi frem. I 1948 blev reglerne for menneskerettighederne indført, og da mennesket i kølevandet på 2. verdenskrig havde en klar og tydelige fælles forståelseramme for medmenneskelighed og mangel på samme, så er medmenneskelighed værende et bærende fundament taget for givet. Men mennesket glemmer og med tiden, i dag lider vores samfund og virksomheder under mangel på medmenneskelighed. Der er en tendens til kortsigtet profitter i udnyttelse af ressourcer, være sig materialer, natur eller menneskelige ressourcer. Ledere har bl.a. et stort potentiale for vinding, ved at skabe rammen for at intellektet kan udfolde sig eller med andre ord, at værne om menneskets spidskompetencer, at tænke og skabe kultur. Disse menneskelige egenskaber kan ledere kultivere gennem medmenneskelighed og fællesskabsfølelse og dermed fordre, at der i fællesskab opbygges en kultur, som skaber balance og værdi for alle. Thomas Piketty beskriver ulighedens økonomi, at kapitalen er koncenteret på meget få hænder, og præcis dette gør et land skrøbeligt. Overført til virksomhedsledelse ved vi også, at få store kunder gør en virksomhed skrøbelig. Har virksomheden derimod mange små kunder, så er denne ikke så sårbar. Altså styrkes et samfund, hvis værdier og indflydelse ligger hos individet, borgeren - hvilket også er en egenskab, der kendetegner demokratiet.

At tage højde for miljøet eller at tage højde for bæredygtigthed er det samme som at tænke i helhedsbetragtninger, og dette indbærer en vis kompleksitet, da tingene hænger sammen, og derfor bliver budskaberne mangfoldige i disse bøger.

Det må nødvendigvis være således for at forstå det globale perspektiv, zoomet ind og ud eller til og fra hhv. Individet, familien, virksomheden, samfundet og det internationale samfund eller det globale. De mange eksempler kan stjæle fokus, og budskaberne kan måske tiltider drukne i eksemplerne, men eksemplerne har et formål, de skulle gerne give læseren en erkendelse, forståelse og reflektion over mennesket og menneskets adfærd.

Vi må som menneske blive bevidste om forandringens natur, mobilisere vores intellekt og finde metoder, der udnytter forandringens dynamik til menneskets fordel. Vi må bygge bro over kreationismen, troen på at livet jorden og hele universet er blevet skabt af en guddommelig kraft og den af forstanden styrede videnskabelige tænkning, som vi bliver afkrævet af den akademiske verden, som til eksempel Darwins evolutionsteori. Vi må opfinde metoder, modeller og opskrifter, der i vores virksomheder og i vores samfund verden over udnytter vores viden om forandringens væsen, så vi skridt for skridt får opbygget bæredygtig kulturer, der kan blive styrket generation efter generation, hvilket for mig er det sammen som at favne intellektet. Vi må som menneske være i stand til at kunne se udove egne behov her og nu, opgaven må være at værne om den arv, vi giver videre til vores børn og finde frem til den optimale sammensætning af system og kultur, der understøtter vores livsform og jordklode med al dens rigdom.

The art of leading human diversity

Published year 2015

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